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Release: 01.04.2022

Der Albumtitel sagt eigentlich schon alles: Dualität ist eher parallele Zweisamkeit als unentschlossener Zwiespalt. Sie zieht sich als Gefühl und Erkenntnis durch alle vierzehn Tracks des neuen Albums von Ferge X Fisherman – gleichermaßen Rap und Jazz, beatmäßig produziert und instrumental eingespielt, reflektiert und extrovertiert. Inhaltlich ist „Duality“ ein lyrisches Selbstporträt eines in der Wohlstandsgesellschaft des globalen Nordens aufgewachsenen weißen Musikers, der seine ersten Schritte auf der großen Bühne der Unterhaltungsindustrie geht. Die Songs selbst, von „Pace“ über „Trust“ bis „Growth“, thematisieren die tagtäglichen Probleme und Gedanken dieses Protagonisten. Seine emotionale Zerrissenheit, sein Beziehungsleben, die Widersprüchliche im eigenen Handeln und Denken und die Suche nach Selbstwert bilden das textliche Leitmotiv. Die Geborgenheit und die Bequemlichkeit, die seine Privilegien mit sich bringen, spiegeln sich dagegen musikalisch auf dem gesamten Album. So entspannt, warm und wohlig der Sound der Platte ist, wird er doch gezielt von komplexen, jazzigen Einschüben aufgebrochen, nur um im nächsten Moment quasi unverändert angenehm weiter zu laufen. Man hört und spürt in diesen raffinierten, jazzigen Arrangements und Instrumentalteilen die eigene Überforderung aufgrund der Komplexität der gesellschaftlichen und globalwirtschaftlichen Strukturen.



Duality is a dual state or quality, and within mathematical systems a symmetry whereby a theorem remains valid if certain objects, relations or operations are interchanged. It also runs as both a feeling and realisation throughout the fourteen tracks included on the new album by Ferge X Fisherman. ‘Duality’ is equal parts rap and jazz, contains electronically produced beats and live instrumentation, and is lyrically reflective yet totally unreserved.

In regard to its lyrical content, ‘Duality’ is ostensibly a self-portrait of a musician raised in an affluent society and taking his first small steps onto the giant stages of the music industry. From ‘Pace’ to ‘Trust’ to ‘Growth’, the words of its songs address the everyday realities he faces, such as emotional turmoil, his relationships, the contradictions in his own thoughts and actions and his quest for self-worth. By way of contrast, the security and comfort that his privileges bring are reflected musically throughout the album. As relaxed, warm and comforting as it sounds, it is deliberately broken up with complex, jazzy interludes, only to return virtually unchanged in the very next moment.

Making the decision to continue releasing their brand of jazz-rap independently, FXF have retained the freedom to create a well-rounded work of art in ‘Duality’ that breaks with typical conventions. Free of genre clichés, the band has simply recorded what they want and remained true to their musical vision. Multi-layered lyricism combined with complex compositions have resulted in an album that can be listened to attentively, discovering something new from it with each spin, but that can also run as ambient background. The balancing act between electronically produced hip hop and live instrumentation is also wholly successful; the LakeSideBoyz have provided exciting instrumental parts, while the record also features high-profile international guest stars such as Detroit rapper Black Milk and Japanese jazz trumpeter and Blue Note artist Takuya Kuroda (both on ‘Reality’), New Zealand soul singer Noah Slee (‘Business’) and South African singer Hunter Rose (‘Home’). With its unconventional sound, ‘Duality’ is a unique statement of intent for the German hip hop scene and sets a standard for others to follow.

  • Image of DUALITY // CD